Alerta Legal

The dates for the Consolidated Annual Declaration have been set up.

In the extraordinary offprint of the Peruvian Gazette “El Peruano” published on Monday 3rd this week, the Directoral Resolution 0233-2023-MINEM/DGM, set up the terms of the presentation of the Consolidated Annual Declaration (DAC in Spanish), corresponding to the year 2022, the terms are related with the last digit [...]
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Legalia and an environmental approach: Promoting sustainable energy for an eco-friendly future

Currently one of the most efficient ways to obtain energy and save costs in companies is through the implementation of new technologies that generate sustainable energy, added to the commitment of people to save electricity and take care of our resources. In Peru there is no adequate legislation that facilitates the investment of projects based on Green Hydrogen, [...]
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Legalia and its committment for a more sustainable planet

It is a fact that climate change is affecting our society and our economy. It is one of the most important global risks we are facing, and it is critical for the regulators. Both public and private companies are concerned for the planet conservation. In the immediate future, the concern regarding climate change will increase and big industries shall be deemed as liable [...]
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